I’m getting back on the web after being away. Writing about audio, blogging, and other stuff.
In photography we call it photojournalism, but in audio is it sonic journalism? If scrapbooking is arranging photos into an album, does it become scrap sounding when you do it with audio recordings? Do snapshots become snapsounds?
My guitar practice routine
Current situation & goals I’m learning travis picking, and I’m getting through Mark Hanson’s second book, The Art of Solo Fingerpicking (affiliate link), along with a few tunes from other places. Right now my short term goal is to learn…
Strut MixPre6 Case
The Orca OR-270 is a nice bag, and it’s great for some stuff but it’s aimed a sound-for-film, and it doesn’t really protect the recorder much while it’s in use. So, I decided to give the Strut STR-MP6 MixPre6 case…
Orca bags OR-270 and MixPre6
On our way to Florida in June, 2019, I stopped by Gotham sound in Atlanta and picked up an Orca Bags OR270 sound bag. I’ve been using the MixPre3 with just a strap for a while but kept feeling like…
Testing the TalentCell battery
The SoundDevices MixPre6 is a great audio recorder, but it’s fairly power hungry and on the journey to find the best power solution for me I bought a TalentCell battery from Amazon here: TalentCell battery (yep, that’s an affiliate link).…
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